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Sales Channels

Dealers, distributors, and resellers are no stranger to channel incentives programs. Many companies use this type of scheme to drive the behavior of their channel partners –behavior that will eventually lead to increase in revenue, of course. However, this does not necessarily mean that having a sales channel rewards program will automatically translate to an increase of your channel partners’ performance or a boost in your sales revenue. You have to ensure that your program is well-thought and well-structured. Otherwise, you will only spend your budget without any certain return.

4 seated people discussing

Employee Experience

As societies evolve, so do our ways of doing business. In the past, large companies were often very hierarchical, with hundreds – if not thousands – of people working together in the same place, at the same time. Times have changed, and today’s focus is very much on flexibility, with working patterns becoming increasingly catered to the needs of employees. In a competitive market for attracting and retaining 21st century talent, new trends in the workplace are emerging all the time. Here are four key trends that HR managers and SME leaders need to be aware of.

Consumer Promotions

Consumer Promotions

As the business environment continues to evolve, companies must adapt as well to the changes in terms of their business approach and marketing strategies. Any program that has worked for your organization in the previous years may no longer be effective in the coming years. This also applies to your loyalty program.

Employee Experience

Employee Experience

Getting the best out of the employees is not only important but also necessary for your organization. But with Filipinos being among the most emotional people in the world, dealing with performance problems in the workplace become a little challenging for managers and employers.

Unicorn Employee

Employee Experience


Employee rewards

Employee Experience

Before we talk about employee reward options, we want you to meet Karlo. He is a sales agent for a car dealer in Ortigas City. On top of his monthly salary, he receives an additional commission for each sale he makes for selling cars. He is a happy and role model employee.

Employee Experience

Employee Experience

With the summer season in full swing, your employees might be drifting in vacation mode—and this can affect workplace productivity. In fact, a study found that productivity drops 20 percent during this season. Another study found that projects take 13 percent longer to complete with rising temperatures.

Employee Experience

Employee Experience

COVID-19 has changed so much about how people live and work. For sure, even after a vaccine is made available, people will continue to take extra precautions and be mindful of their health.

SMGP Choice


Like with all things in this day and age, the art of gift-giving has also evolved over time. Nowadays, people have a lot of options when it comes to buying gifts and sometimes, it can get overwhelming. 

Employee Experience


Are you taking good care of your employee's wellbeing this Christmas season? Research says you should be. In fact, it was found that the stress Filipino workers experienced is higher than the global average. With excessive obligations and events during this festive time, stress levels can become even higher, which can affect your people's motivation and morale.

Employee Experience


‘Tis the season of office Kris Kringle!
During very hectic times, it’s small activities like these that can help foster camaraderie and lift everyone’s spirits. Bring back the fun with these fool-proof Secret Santa themes your teams are sure to enjoy.

Employee Experience

Employee Experience

Christmas is finally here!
All over the world, we Filipinos are known to celebrate the longest yuletide season. By now, you’ve probably heard Jose Mari Chan songs on the radio and seen festive Christmas décor everywhere. In the workplace, the Christmas season might have already been manifested through strategical presentations and seasonal sales targets, among others.

Employee Experience

Industry Tips

Think about it: how many Gen Zs are part of your team? There must be at least one in your department, already thriving despite their tenure. In fact, their growth in the workforce is becoming rapid by the minute—they are expected to be one-third of the Philippine workforce by 2025.

Employee Experience

Employee Experience

Gifting in any time or place always brings smiles to people's faces. Research shows that giving gifts can make you happy because giving gifts activates dopamine, or the happy hormone, in your brain. At work, giving gifts to your colleagues or team to celebrate wins and personal can boost camaraderie engagement.


Consumer Promotions

You’re about to pay less for your holiday haul with these online Christmas shopping hacks. Even with quarantine restrictions, it’s a wonderful time to go Christmas shopping this year. Thanks to e-commerce stores like Shopee, we can still find the best gifts for our loved ones and office family, enjoy online deals, and do all that without leaving the comfort of our homes. Cross off items on your Christmas shopping list and save a few cash with these helpful hacks.